Saturday, January 17, 2009

Come on 2009!!!

Welcome to 2009. A year of change for us. We are excited for the new year because we feel a lot of change is coming our way. This all started because of the way we ended 2008.

Nov. 22nd we started going to family coaching, a ministry I would recommend to any married couple who needs some help reconnecting and communicating. God has brought us a long way just since then. We have started a journey of seeking, listening and obeying. A concept we have known about for years but rarely practiced.

I myself have tended to rely on myself in the past. My own knowledge, my own understanding, my own experiences, etc.. you get the gist that I depended on myself for much of my thinking and actions. Even though I believe in God, rarely did I seek or acknowledge Him for things I did or accomplished in my life. Now I am on a different path.

I am learning to daily seek Him to see what God has to say in certain situations, thought processes, and the direction our life is going. A make it happen kind of girl doesn't have time to wait for things to happen, well now if I don't hear anything, it doesn't happen. I am learning to seek and wait on the Lord.

God has revealed so many treasures to me since I have taken the time to listen. I have a new hope for the future, I believe that God is for us and I know the plans He has for us are to prosper us and not to harm us. Sound familiar? Jeremiah 29:11

We pray that over our children ever night before bed and have since they were in my womb. Even thought that verse has been spoken by myself and Travis many times, we did not believe it applied to our life because of the circumstances we have lived in for the past 8 years of our marriage. That was not due to the lack of God's involvement, but due to our focus being on our circumstances other than our creator who controls our circumstances.

Over the last two months we have heard many promises that we are standing on, not because we have been seeking answers or asking questions, but because our focus has been getting to know the One in charge and trusting Him with our lives and hearts and not worrying about the outcome but only desiring to be closer to Him!!!

It has been a great ride already and it is only Jan. 17th. We are believing for change not because we deserve it, but because it is inevitable when you are in the presence of a Holy and Loving God. I am sad it took this long to get to where we are, but I am excited for what is to come. Expect to hear great things from the Brints Family 5 in 2009 and to God be all the glory, honor, power and praise!!!

May God's will be done in our lives and in each of yours. And may you daily draw closer to your Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ who loves us more than we can even imagine or comprehend!

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