Sunday, January 25, 2009

Christmas 08

Christmas 08!!! I reserve the right to write a Christmas blog since we just took our family Christmas picture today. Mom is taking down her tree so we needed to get r done! Christmas was great! We actually got to extend it over a 3 week period. We took a last minute trip to Ohio to spend Christmas with my family. Which was great, I love that the boys got to see Grandma and Grandpa Jenkins and spend time with their cousins.

We got home and had Christmas at mom and dad (Brints.) Then did not have our own Christmas with the boys till the following weekend. Everything was great. They were so blessed and actually it ain't over yet. We are anxiously waiting for all the stores to restock their shelves with the popular toys from Christmas.

We intended to buy the boys an Lego Agent mobile command center. But missed the boat, so while we were up in Ohio, g and g Jenkins gave money to purchase this gem. Still no sign of it. Travis has found a couple on eBay but people are paying an arm and a leg for it. I am hoping they will put some out soon. Then our Christmas will be complete!

Here are some photos of our Christmas in Ohio, our Christmas at the Brints and our Christmas at home. Enjoy! I pray your Christmas was joyous and your New Year is hopeful!!! We love you all and look forward to next Christmas.

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