Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Well it's been awhile since I have written. We are fast approaching Easter season and I am ready! God has really been moving and working in our life and we so appreciate what Christ did for us on the cross!

I am amazed that He loved us so much that He gave His life for us so we could live. Not because of what we do or how we act but because He loves us. I have been reminded of a song we sang at church growing up, these are the words:

"hey Brenda do you love Jesus? Yes I love Jesus. Do you really love Jesus? Yes I really love Jesus. Tell me why you love Jesus. This is why I love Jesus..because He first loved me!!!!"

I love that song because as much as we try to complicate the world, with all the knowledge and technology out there, it truly is only because God loved us so much that He sent His only Son, Jesus to die on the cross for us, so that we would have life in Him. Our faith in Him!!!

I know we usually think on the things we are most thankful for at Thanksgiving. But in light of Easter coming, I would like to take this time to express my thankfulness for my husband, my boys, our families, our friends and our ministry. God is so good and worthy of all our praise!!!

I pray this Easter season is full of Joy, Peace, Love and Grace, God's Grace!!! Which is what brings us salvation in the first place!

PS. The top picture are my sister, Kimmie, and brother, Reb, in Christ whom when we lived at the Lighthouse we would pray together for our spouses. In the picture are the spouses we were praying for. Travis and Brenda, Eric and Kimmie and Reb and Vanessa. God is faithful!!!